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 KeyDuino, basics

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KeyDuino TEAM

Messages : 85
Reputation : 4
Date d'inscription : 2015-10-10
Age : 31
Localisation : Lille, FRANCE

KeyDuino, basics Empty
PostSubject: KeyDuino, basics   KeyDuino, basics EmptyWed 9 Dec - 12:07

What is KeyDuino?
Keyduino is an Arduino compatible development board with built-in NFC (Near-Field Communication). It's the easiest way to build an NFC project with the benefit of  Arduino.

NFC or Near Field Communication is a standards-based short range wireless connectivity technology that enables making transactions, exchanging digital content or connecting electronic devices with a simple touch.  
NFC is compatible with hundreds of millions of smartphones, contactless cards and readers already deployed worldwide.

What's the use of KeyDuino ?
KeyDuino greatly simplifies the development of your NFC projects thanks to the simplicity of Arduino platform.
KeyDuino will be the bridge that helps you wirelessly interact with your environment, drive motors, unlock strikes, control relays, read from a temperature sensor and all thanks to built in NFC connectivity, right out of the box.

Arduino shield compatibility
The KeyDuino development board is Arduino Leonardo hardware (with a few exceptions, see Q/A) and software compatible .  
Since the KeyDuino is based on the Arduino Leonardo (ATMEGA32U4) all code that runs on an Arduino Leonardo can also run on a KeyDuino

More information on the KickStarter page .
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