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 Security Doors

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3 posters

Messages : 2
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Date d'inscription : 2016-06-27

Security Doors Empty
PostSubject: Security Doors   Security Doors EmptyMon 27 Jun - 18:21

Hey guys i am working on a project involving security doors. I was wondering if there is a way for the keyduino to tell the phone to look up a url, wait for the url to reply and then tell the keyduino to open the door? Any help is appreciated
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KeyDuino TEAM

Messages : 85
Reputation : 4
Date d'inscription : 2015-10-10
Age : 31
Localisation : Lille, FRANCE

Security Doors Empty
PostSubject: Re: Security Doors   Security Doors EmptySat 2 Jul - 9:37

For that you will need a application but you can send a receive a url with the board without any problem, see on the lib exemple like nfc_unlock, it will help you for your project Wink

We also currently work on a ESP + KeyDuino project for checking the ID, maybe it can interest you?
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Messages : 2
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Date d'inscription : 2016-06-27

Security Doors Empty
PostSubject: Re: Security Doors   Security Doors EmptyMon 4 Jul - 18:31

That would interest me, and im sending messages back and forth during connection to maintain security
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KeyDuino TEAM

Messages : 5
Reputation : 0
Date d'inscription : 2015-11-16

Security Doors Empty
PostSubject: Re: Security Doors   Security Doors EmptyTue 5 Jul - 13:13


The way I see it, you should indeed use something like a WiFi connection from the KeyDuino and keep all security aspects on it.
Because if the security is managed through the smartphone, whatever the url sends back you can reproduce it with anything, so the door is not secured.
It depends if you need it for a "kinda secure door" or a real one Smile

If you can use the connection from KeyDuino, you would probably need an HCE application on the phone, and something to check the identity on a server.

Or you can juste use an HCE application on your phone and write the expected response "hard" in the KeyDuino.
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Security Doors Empty
PostSubject: Re: Security Doors   Security Doors Empty

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